1. Fieldset Tag

    The HTML <fieldset> tag is used for grouping related form elements


            Name   : <input type = "text"><br />
            Age    : <input type = "text"><br />
            Course : <input type = "text"><br />


2. DataList Tag:

    The <datalist> tag is used to provide the autocomplete feature for elements


        <form action="" method="get">
        <label for="vehicle"> Choose the vehicle you like </label>
        <input list="vehicles" name="vehicle" id="vehicle">
            <datalist id = "vehicles" >
                <option value = "Bike">
                <option value = "Car">
                <option value = "Train">
        <input type = "submit">


3. Time Tag:

    The <time> tag defines a specific time (or datatime).  But it does not render anything special in most browsers.


        <p> The time is <time>23.00</time> now. </p>

4. Progress Tag:

    The <progress> tag displays an indicator showing the completion progress of a task.


    <label for = "file"> Download in Progress: </label>
  <progress id = "file" value = "32" max = "100"> 32% </progress>


5. Abbreviation Tag:

    The <abbr> tag is used as shortened versions and used to represent a series of letters


    <p>The <abbr title = "Indian Space Research Organisation">ISRO</abbr>is the national
        space agency of India, headquartered in Bengaluru </p>


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